之前去日本玩,道具街我都直接略過。為了做小baby的1歲生日蛋糕,我邁向了烘焙不歸路,最近竟然對日本的道具街很感興趣,因此這次的東京行加入了道具街採購。由於地點、營業時間和道具的重量問題,採購行只能安排在買完就回hotel的時段,所以第一天下了機,行李寄放旅店後,馬上衝去合羽橋道具街。約2:00 p.m.抵達。
In previous trips to Japan, I skipped all the道具街(dougu street or kitchenware street). In order to make my baby’s 1-year-old birthday cake, I stepped in the bakery world. Recently, I found that dougu street was very interesting. So, it was in my visit list this trip. Due to the location, office hours and the weight of kitchenware, I had to schedule it at the period which I could go back to hotel after shopping. So, day 1, fresh out of plane, after placing our luggages at the hotel, we(my family) headed to Kappabashi Dougu Street immediately. We arrived there about 2 p.m.
Kappabashi Dougu Street(Kappabashi, かっぱばし, かっぱ橋道具街) is the longest Dougu Street or kitchenware street in Japan. It is located between west side of Asakusa and Ueno, a 800m street from Asakusa Doori (or AsakusaStreet, 淺草通り) to Kototoi Doori (or Kototoi Street, 言問通り) with more than 170 kitchenware shops. There are all kinds of things with various brands there that you might need to open a restaurant, from bowls to furniture, food models to chef wear, domestic to industrial size, and some goods suppliers. There are even interior design companies. The most important is there are a lot of things on sales that you can shoppe, if you can carry them home. There are 2 metro stations close to Kappabashi, Tawaramachi station on the south, Iriya station on the north. Both are about 3~5min walk away.

To tourists, the easier way to reach Kappabashi is get out from exit no. 3 of Tawaramachi station which is beside San Zen Dou(三善堂). Turn right and walk a few steps. Turn right at the juction of Asakusa Doori(淺草通り). Walk along the Asakusa Doori and pass the post office. The lift of Tawaramachi station is beside the post office. In Tokyo, not every exit of the metro stations equips with a lift. If there is, it is some distance way from the staircase. If you come out from the lift, turn right and walk along the Asakusa Doori about 250m. The Kappabashi street is between Dengama(田窯) and a gigantic chef’s head building Niimi(ニイミ).
I didn’t prepare well this trip. We started to find our way when we came out from the lift. We walked along the Asakusa Doori. Beside the Kikuyabashi(菊屋橋) police station, we saw a sign of Kappabashi, pointing to the lane beside. So we followed the sign, walked along the lane. There was a huge temple, Higashi Hongan-ji(東本願寺) after the 1st junction. We passed the temple and turned left at the junction. We walked along the Kikusui Doori(菊水通り) and reached the cross junction Kappabashi Minami(合羽橋南), in the middle of Kappabashi Street. Shops that I planed to visit were around there.

This was the cross junction Kappabashi Minami(合羽橋南), a shop named Kawasaki(川崎商店) is opposite to us. And we knew Kappabashi street was there. That was a rainy day. The sky was dark.
My target shops were: Majimaya(馬嶋屋), Honma(本間), Yoshida(吉田) and Asai(淺井). I read that there were various cake pans with cheap price. The shops on Kappabashi street, each of them has its own office hours. They open around 9 or 10 a.m. and close at 5 or 6 p.m. Kappabashi street has a homepage on the internet, with Chinese and English versions. The Japanese version is the most informative, of course. You can find the office hours of each shop and maps etc.

Coming out from the Kikusui Doori(菊水通り), Majimaya was on the right, just beside that blue building. Right side of it was selling baking and yoshioku(洋食) utensils. Left side was selling utensils for Japanese food.

Hashitou Honten(はし藤本店) was beside Majimaya. Hashi(はし) means chopsticks. It was a tall building with a picture of strange bird head. Half of the ground floor was selling chopsticks. The other half was selling groceries and Japanese paper art works. There were quite a lot of people shopping inside.

Following Hashitou Honten(はし藤本店) was Honma(本間) packages shop, selling paper lunch boxes, cake boxes etc. Then, next was Honma(本間) supplies shop. You can find Marukyu Koyamaen(丸久小山園) matcha powder for baking here.

Next to Honma(本間) was Yoshida(吉田). I saw some people at the back. It seemed they were making cake pans. Next to Yoshida(吉田) was Asai(淺井), with a big whisk on the roof.

來來回回在馬嶋屋、吉田和淺井之間跑了1小時,最後才決定要買哪一家。先到淺井買蛋糕模,再去本間買抹茶粉,買完男友說はし藤本店的筷子不錯,馬上買了一組便宜的。買完才3:50 p.m.,小孩又睡著了,所以就繼續逛道具街。
Next to Asai(淺井) was Fu-Wa-Ri(風和里). It was a complex kitchenware shop. The interior design was beautiful, unlike Majimaya, Yoshida and Asai.
After running between the Majimaya(馬嶋屋), Yoshida(吉田) and Asai(淺井) for 1 hour, I made up my mind finally. First, I went to Asai(淺井) to buy cake pans. Then, I went to Honma(本間) to buy matcha powder. After that, my husband told me that chopsticks of Hashitou Honten(はし藤本店) were nice. So, I went inside immediately and bought a set. It was just 3:50 p.m. when I finished shopping. Since my child was sleeping, we continued to walk along the Kappabashi Street.

Pass a block, and it was Iida(飯田), a big kitchenware shop. Beside it was china shop Komatsuya(小松屋), following by glass utensils shop Canion(キアニオン).

我們在河童像前的十字路口附近繞了一下,再去河童像對面的Union Coffee逛,然後就轉回頭,準備離開。下雨兼推小孩不太好逛街。
Kappa Kawataro Statue of Kappabashi was at the opposite side of Iida(飯田). The logo of Kappabashi Street is Kappa(河童). In Japanese, 合羽 and 河童 are pronuonced as kappa. On the Japanese homepage, it says there are 2 origins about the name of Kappabashi, but no one knows for sure which is the correct one.
We walked around the junction in front of the statue. We went Union Coffee shopping. Then we turned back to leave. It was not very enjoyable pushing a stroller and doing shopping in the rain.

When we came across Canion(キアニオン), yes, that glass utensils shop next to Komatsuya(小松屋), which next to Iida(飯田), I saw those china in front of the door and lost my mind straight away. It was cheap! I wish I could gather a whole set and send by to Taiwan.

Canionキアニオン的左邊是小松屋,右邊則是ミノチヤ・キッチンセンター(ミノチ屋,Minochiya kitchen center),門口也擺了超便宜的大瓷盤,非常非常有吸引力,我很認真地考慮要買。男友在一旁小聲地說:「可以買,可是搬得動嗎?行李箱裝得下嗎?會超重嗎?」
約4:30 p.m.我們便離開合羽橋道具街了。
Minochiya kitchen center(ミノチヤ・キッチンセンターorミノチ屋) was on the right of Canion(キアニオン). There were huge china plates in front of the shop and they were cheap. Very luring. I thought about it seriously. My husband quietly said,“We can buy it but are we able to carry it home? Can our luggage hold it? Or over-weight?”
Don’t even think about carry it back to Taiwan. It was a problem carrying it back to the hotel because we were taking our child with us. A child is an over-weight luggage already. So, I gave up.
I had read on the homepage that Kappabashi provides freight service somewhere on the street. Next time, when I visit Kappabashi, I will check all the details first.
About 4:30 p.m., we left Kappabashi.